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Growing up there were always piles of craft materials lying around my house and as a bored only child with too much time on her hands, I decided to learn how to cross stitch. After some help from my grandmother I was set on the path to cross-stitch adventure. However, after several years of stitching sentimental and cutesy flowers, I abandoned it for more extreme crafting activities.
In November 2012 I was looking for something to make for my horror film loving friend and drawing a blank I decided to make my own Evil Dead themed cross stitch pattern and my first pattern was born. After getting great comments from friends I decided to pop my pattern up in my shop. I was shocked that other people liked it and even more shocked when people started buying the pattern.
Since then I've been whipping up patterns based on the horror and cult things I like and based on some great suggestions from my customers.
With every pattern I make I hope to battle the tide of fuzzy kittens and fluffy bunny patterns.